09:00 am to 2:00 pm – Workshop: skills and keys for the adaptation in the winemaking companies. Adapting to survive.
By: Julio López Nogueira. Political Sciences Degree. Managing of companies MBA.
Organize: EVEGA – Estación de Viticultura e Enoloxía de Galicia.
- Understanding the situation: Diagnostics of the situation, of the sector and of the capacities of the companies. SWOT analysis.
- Re-knowing the client and re-adapting our value proposal:
Client: Where it is? Is it moving? Is it changing? What are the “new” necessities and priorities? How you can calculate the value equation?
Adapting our value proposal to the value equation.
- Re-preparing our business plans.
Analysis of the competitive keys and the capacities or our companies in the different situations to detect and take advantage of the new alternatives and opportunities.
The HORECA channel, the food chain, the online channel and the digital marketing. The internationalization. The specialized shops. The touristic sector. The relation among the agents and the value chain.
- Final thinking and recommendations. The change begins today.
11:00 am to 12:00 pm – Commented Tasting of the spirits and liqueurs awarded with «Potes de Oro y Plata» in Oficial Tastings of Galicia 2020.
Taster: Sonia Otero. Member of the traditional Galician spirits and licuors tasting Panel.
Click here to sign up
12:00 pm – Presentation of EVEGA Monographic No. 6: «The Mencía variety».
Organized by: EVEGA – Galician Viticulture and Winemaking Station.
Technical speaker: Luis Buitrón Barrios. President of the Spanish Federation of Oenology – FEAE.
12:30 pm to 01:30 pm Commented Tasting of the red wines awarded with «Acios de Oro» in Galician Tasting of Galicia 2020.
Organize: Axencia Galega de Calidade Alimentaria – AGACAL.
Collaborate: EVEGA – Estación de Viticultura e Enoloxíade Galicia.
Taster: Luis Buitrón Barrios. President of the Spanish Federation of Oenology – FEAE.
Click here to sign up
04:00 pm to 05:00 pm – Commented Tasting of the spirits and liqueurs awarded with «Potes de Oro y Plata» in Oficial Tastings of Galicia 2020.
Organize: CRIIXX Augardentes e Licores Tradicionais de Galicia.
Taster: Sonia Otero. Member of the traditional Galician spirits and licuors tasting Panel.
Language: English.
Click here to sign up
05:30 pm to 06:30 pm Commented Tasting of the red wines awarded with «Acios de Oro» in Galician Tasting of Galicia 2020.
Language: English.
Organized by: Galician Agency for Food Quality – AGACAL.
Taster: Javier del Blanco. WSET 3, owner of Agrícola de Vinos la Portera, export manager of Cortijo de los Aguilares, Grandes Pagos winery and export of Pardevalles.
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